March 12, 2025

Howard Schwartz and Marie Langham (National Coordinators)

Warmer conditions favored late-season common bean development and maturity in many regions of the U.S. and Canada. Tropical storm activity in eastern U.S. negatively affected legume crops. There were scattered reports of legume viruses, bacterial diseases, common rust and white mold throughout the legume production region during 2011.

Contact your local legume industry personnel, university and USDA personnel to stay on top of events that may influence legume crops, pest management issues and pesticide options for the 2012 season. New diagnostic cards have been posted on this web site, and copies are available from your local legume specialists.

A real-time price discovery tool from Multigrain Intl. and weather highlights and forecasts from ZedX were updated this year to help you with disease, pest and crop decisions. Prices continue to trend upward for legumes like pintos.
Thank you for your support and participation in this Legume ipmPIPE project during 2011.